Kvik Care

The worktop is an important and very visible element in your kitchen and in your bathroom. Through regular care and maintenance of your worktop, you ensure that it becomes more resistant to dirt, grease and scratches. With the proper care of the worktop, it remains as beautiful as it was when it was brand new.

Wood oil Nature, 250 ml

Wood oil Nature, 250 ml


Wood oil White, 250 ml

Wood oil White, 250 ml


Wood oil Grey, 250 ml

Wood oil Grey, 250 ml


Wood oil Black, 250 ml

Wood oil Black, 250 ml


Stone oil, 250 ml

Stone oil, 250 ml


Cleaner, laminate/stone/steel

Cleaner, laminate/stone/steel


Kuma care kit

Kuma care kit

For solid surface bath sinks

Melamine sponge, 10 pcs.

Melamine sponge, 10 pcs.


Advice, Inspirations and Tip

At Kvik we know that very few have tried to buy a new kitchen when they come in to us. Our competent kitchen experts are therefore always ready with advice on both large and small, so that we can together find the best solution for your new kitchen.